Sura Personal! Why Kenyan Women Date Cute Boys but Marry Less Attractive Men

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If you think about it, how many Kevo’s, Brayo’s and Johnie’s do you know in happy marriages?

It is no secret but it has been a mystery over the past few years why less attractive men are continuously getting cuffed while the handsome ones remain single.

According to a study done by researchers at Florida State University, this fact is true for many newly married young couples.

The slay kings are apparently preferable for a good time but not a long time according to the puzzling results the researchers gathered. You will have fun with them in the clubs and road-tripping to Naivasha but more often than not, women settle for the less attractive ones.

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The saying that nice guys finish last has never been truer than it is today. No woman will choose insecurity over stability and according to the research, that is why less attractive men stay winning.

According to most married young women interviewed, the reason for this shift is that those good looking lads often make women feel insecure about their bodies and looks, whether they have a basis for them or not.

It is common to find these wives looking to lose weight and join the latest gyms because of their insecurities. They are usually dieting to keep a trim figure like it’s somehow a competition.

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To add on top of that, women with these men do these things because they want to keep his attention since every woman would want to snatch him from you.

Women married to men who aren’t attractive have less pressure to do those things and are more content with themselves and their lives.

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Men’s actions, on the other hand, aren’t influenced by their partner’s looks.

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