DETAILS: How Master Ruto Forced Uhuru, Raila to Postpone Mt. Kenya Tour

President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga have been forced to cancel the mount Kenya tour that…

Why Uhuru, Raila rescheduled Mt Kenya tour to June

The planned tour by President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader Raila Odinga to Mt Kenya will…

Forget about Murathe! Ruto gets biggest headache in the succession matrix

Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju, a close confidant of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his family…

Poor Boni..Luhya nation slam him for being Ruto’s puppy

Soon as the vocal politician and Deputy President William Ruto’s sycophant Boni Khalwale was done reporting…

How Master William Ruto Killed ODM in less than a week

When Ahmed Kolosh decided to ditch ODM Party for Jubilee, nobody thought that William Ruto was…

“We ng’ang’ana na kuexport ma mboch,” KOT tear Dida apart over Ruto remarks

The 2013 and 2017 Presidential candidate Mwalimu Abduba Dida’s remarks on Deputy President Dr William Ruto’s…

Dida Calls on Ruto to Perfect His Lying Culture

Former Presidential Aspirant Mwalimu Abduba Dida has called on Deputy President Dr William Ruto to work…

Kalonzo,Mudavadi, Gideon Moi to form new formation 2022

The 2022 political realignment is expected to shake the nation ,former Jubilee interim vice chairman David…

Murathe insists Ruto is a bad influence to Kenyans

Former Jubilee interim vice chairman David Murathe has insisted that the deputy president is a bad…

Murathe hints at Uhuru’s upcoming major Cabinet reshuffle

Former jubilee Party Interim Chairperson David Murathe has hinted at a major Cabinet reshuffle. While appearing…

Ruto Responds To the Rabid Juvenile rant by Edwin Sifuna & Raila Jnr

William Ruto’s Pre-handshake narrative as peddled at an interview on Citizen TV continues to draw mixed…

Why Jubilee will walk free in Wajir West by-election

The replica of what happened in Gatundu South by-election where Moses Kuria was nominated for an…

How Ruto Used Oscar Sudi to Seek Raila’s Help in Taming Uhuru & His People

Just who is fooling who in this whole pre-handshake shenanigans between Deputy President William Ruto and…

Murathe reveals chilling details why Ruto allies have bought yellow T-shirts in Kiambu

Dr Ruto has been reaching out to members of county assemblies (MCAs) as he seeks to…

Murathe reveals Ruto’s plan if Jubilee denies him a presidential ticket

Former Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe has claimed that DP William Ruto is laying the ground to…

Hustler’s Magic! Two More candidates Pull out of Wajir West Race

Two more candidates have stepped down in favour of Jubilee candidate Ahmed Kolosh. The two are…

Why Jubilee doesn’t believe ODM has fallen this low

Deputy President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Amolo Odinga are currently the hottest rivals in…

Sifuna’s Rapid Juvenile Rant is so ridiculously uneducated- DP Ruto

Deputy President William Ruto has hit back at ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna over claims he…

Inside Ruto’s Karen Deal That Saw ODM’s Wajir West Candidate Embarrass Raila

News that the Orange Democratic Movement, ODM had decided to withdraw it’s candidate from the Wajir…

Raila, Ruto Cat and Mouse Game Persist ahead of Wajir West By-election

Opposition Chief Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto’s political supremacy battle played out in a…

Why Kenyans Believe Ruto and not Raila Jnr

The war between opposition leader Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto has taken so many…

Ruto: I may not run for Presidency in 2022

Deputy President William Ruto has hinted that he may not necessarily run for presidency in 2022.…

Damn! Blogger Alai smears faeces on Raila’s face

Kenyans have launched online criticism against ODM party leader Hon Raila Odinga’s last born, Raila Junior.…

REVEALED! How Ruto Bribed ODM candidate to step down in Wajir West

The ODM party announced on Tuesday that they were withdrawing their candidate in the Wajir West…

“He Promised Posh Jobs” Raila Junior Exposes Scandalous Ruto

Deputy President William Ruto is yet again the subject of controversy! Indeed, Former Prime Minister Raila…

‘Dalili ya Mvua ni Mawingu’ Ruto trolls ODM after withdrawing from Wajir West

Deputy President William Ruto has thrown a spanner at ODM’s woes after their recent decision to…

DETAILS: How Ruto tried to Manipulate Winnie Odinga to betray her father

William Ruto’s high octane interview on Citizen TV has continued to elicit different reactions from the…

Ruto Reveals How Cunning Raila Snatched Uhuru Away from Him!

Deputy President William Ruto has revealed how ODM leader used the handshake opportunity to snatch President…

Deal With It!! Ruto Throws More Mud on Raila’s Face After By-Elections

The Orange Democratic Party was over the weekend humiliated after a bitter loss in two by-elections…

Jubilee Rejects Scamper For Safety As Ruto Throw’s Missiles At Them, Murathe Not Spared

Is the ruling Jubilee Party really divided? This is the question that a number of Kenyans…