Why You Need To Make Eggs A Staple In Your Menu

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Between the chicken and the egg which came first? and why? I think what came first is the egg. There’s no chicken that wasn’t an egg first. and each is different despite having many breeds.

In Kenya, broiler and layer poultry are used for commercial meat and egg production. There are numerous world famous meat and egg producing poultry breeds available. Select proper breeds according to your desired production.

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For commercial egg production choose highly productive layer breeds which are suitable for farming in Kenyan environment. In case of meat production select highly meat producing broiler poultry breeds.

The broiler breed is considered to have more protein content and has no chemicals, depending on how the chicken are bred. Ideally, they should be let out in the morning to fend for themselves, but these days the feeding is combined.

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As for the layers, they are given feed and are injected with growth hormone and they will grow quickly and produce eggs quicker. The eggs produced have lower protein content.

Eggs are a health powerhouse apart from protein eggs, here is why you should make eggs your staple

1. Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease

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One egg contains almost 25% of the RDI for selenium, making eggs one of the best dietary sources of the mineral. Selenium is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been directly connected with some cases of cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest caused by a deficiency in the mineral.

2. Low in LDL Cholesterol, While High in Good HDL Cholesterol

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Not that long ago, eggs had a bad reputation for being detrimental to cholesterol levels. Eggs do in fact contain cholesterol, but what we understand now that we didn’t fully understand then is that not all cholesterol is created equal and different sources will have a different effect in the body.

To begin, there are two main types of cholesterol; LDL (bad) and HDL (good). Eating eggs, even every day, has been shown to have no significant effect on LDL cholesterol.

In addition to not increasing LDL cholesterol, eggs actually raise HDL cholesterol, which is a good thing because higher HDL levels are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. A Valuable Source of Choline

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Choline is a macronutrient that is essential for several important physiological functions including neurological development, nerve function, muscle control and metabolism. You don’t see choline listed on any nutritional labels, and many of us are unaware of the important benefits of this nutrient. No need to worry however, because the egg has your back.

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Eggs are one the richest dietary sources of choline. One medium sized egg contains approximately 100 mg of choline. There are no strict daily intake guidelines for choline, however it is recommended that women take in 425-500 mg of choline daily, unless they are pregnant or nursing, it which case it is slightly more. Adult men are advised to take in approximately 550 mg daily. One egg a day gets you well on your way to that goal.

4. Protect Your Eyes from Age Related Degeneration

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Unfortunately for many of us, macular degeneration is an almost unavoidable part of ageing. Notice that I said “almost” unavoidable. There are some nutrients that can help bring this degenerative process to a halt, or possibly prevent it altogether. Two of those nutrients are Lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are found in abundant qualities in those beautifully golden coloured egg yolks.

5. Contains Aminos that Create the Perfect Protein

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Eggs are considered to be one of the most perfect sources of protein available. The overall quality of a protein is assessed by using three different criteria; these are amino acid composition, amino acid bioavailability and digestibility. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Altogether, there are twenty-one of them, nine of which your body cannot produce on its own and must get from dietary sources. To rate high on the protein assessment, a food must be high in the nine aminos that your body cannot create. Eggs are high in all of these, giving them their perfect protein status.

6. Filling and Satisfying for Weight Loss

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You know that perfect protein that I just mentioned? Not only does it supply you with necessary amino acids, it also fills you up and gives you energy, with only about 75 calories per medium sized egg. Studies show that people who eat eggs for breakfast, compared to grains as their primary dish consume less calories during the day because they feel more satiated and have higher energy levels to sustain them throughout the day.

7. Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

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Dietary modifications are a well-respected means of reducing your overall risk of developing cancer. Most anti-cancer diet are rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You can increase the effectiveness of your preventative diet by adding eggs on a regular basis. Case studies show that the choline found in egg yolks to be associated with a reduced overall risk of breast cancer. Additionally, other studies show that women who consume two or fewer eggs per week have a slightly elevated overall risk of developing the disease.

8. Prevent Fatigue with Long Lasting Energy

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Need a quick pick-me-up midday? A nutritionally shot of B vitamins will usually work to perk you up and give you the energy to get through your day. B vitamins are necessary for the conversion of food into energy. Want a good source of B vitamins? You guessed it, reach for an egg. Just make sure that you eat the whole egg rather than just the egg white. Some B vitamins such as vitamin B2 and vitamin B3 are concentrated in the whites of eggs, while others including vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate are found almost entirely in the yolk.

9. Increase Physical Performance

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Are you feeling the need to boost your workout, or need a little help making it through the next marathon? Protein helps to synthesize and maintain muscle, which affects strength, resiliency and endurance. The quality of your protein matters when it comes to increasing your physical performance, and if you have read this far, you already know that there isn’t a more perfect protein than that found in an egg.

10. Strong Bones, Strong Body

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Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but it is also a vitamin that we cannot synthesize on our own, so we are dependent upon outside sources to keep us strong. The most common sources of vitamin D are from the sun and through supplementation. While it is possible to get vitamin D from dietary sources, there simply are not very many foods that contain vitamin D naturally. Of the few dietary sources, eggs come in near the top of the list. Combine the vitamin D content with the other benefits of eating eggs and there is no competition. Eggs are the perfect source of dietary vitamin D.

11. Choline for Neurological Health

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Being called an egghead can be considered a compliment, thanks once again to the choline found in eggs. Choline is vital for neurological development from the fetal stage all the way into the elder years. If you want to stay sharp with a memory that is crystal clear, enjoy an egg a day.

Scrambled, poached, baked or fried, it really doesn’t matter how you like your eggs, it just matters that you do. Push aside the outdated notions that there is a threshold of two eggs per week, and aim to include at least one egg in your diet five days a week for maximum benefits and maximum health.

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