Are Your Spices Organized The Right Way, Here Are Some Tips

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The most important thing about spices is identifying those that have a longer shelf, you do not want to keep expired spices in your cabinet. So to reach your spice-organising ideal, you will have to do some thinking along the way.   The ultimate goal is to find a method that works for you. 

These tips will help you organise your spices so you can use them before it gets old.

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Find out what you have – and what needs to go
Spread out all your spice and herb containers on a table or counter. 
The general guideline for how long to keep spices is about six to eight months for ground, a year or two for whole and several years for certain sturdy spices such as whole nutmeg and cinnamon sticks.

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Open and smell the contents
Does the turmeric, for example, have a fruity, faintly gingery smell? 
Take a tiny taste. If you think a spice has discernible flavour, then keep it, even if it’s faded but only if you’ll commit to using it soon. If the taste and/or scent is dusty or strikes you as off in any way, toss it – that mustiness can seep into whatever you’re cooking.

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Know when it’s time to say goodbye
If your spices are old and spent, to begin with, they won’t do much good in your cooking. If you buy from a supermarket, then chances are the spices have taken a time-consuming journey from being harvested and processed to landing in your trolley. Spice shops or brands that openly advertise the harvest dates will almost certainly provide a fresher product. 

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Ethan Frisch, co-founder of American-based spice company says: “You should pay attention to the flavour and how you like it. Spices don’t improve with age, so you should use them as quickly as possible.” 

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