This is why Miguna will never believe Uhuru can ‘fight’ corruption

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday briefed the nation in parliament in the annual state of the…

DCI sieze over 1,000 bags of fake rice

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations have confiscated more than 1,000 bags of suspected contraband…

Sad! Kiambu Police on the hunt for 3 Missing Primary School girls

There has been unrest in Kiambu County as three Ndumberi Primary School girls go missing. Their…

Manchester United Ace warns Messi ahead of Champions League

Man Utd ace Andreas Pereira is ready to take on Barcelona (Image: GETTY) The Red Devils host…

“Follow the money”: Inside New scheme to Reign Graft

Corruption has risen to be among President Uhuru Kenyatta areas of interest in shaping his legacy.…

Mbosso addresses controversy behind new mansion

Wasafi Artist Mbosso has address the ongoing controversy about his new mansion. The Singer had earlier…

Circumstances Under Which a University Student Lost His Life in a Bloody Attack

Tragedy struck at Kirinyaga Univeristy after a student was stabbed by unknown assailants a few meters…

Uhuru vows to sack government officials charged with gross misconduct

President Uhuru Kenyatta has vow to immediately sack any member of his government who will be…

Fired! Uhuru revokes Judge’s appointment

During the anticipated State of The Nation speech on Thursday, the head of the state Uhuru…

Court cuts governor’s 100 million bail term, terms it ‘excessive’

Following concerns over the High Court’s bail terms on Samburu Governor Moses Lenolkulal, the court decided…

These are the birthdays of top Kenyan politicians

We know a lot about our politicians, but how many actually have an idea of their…

Good news as pay television adjusts bouquet pricing to sh 25 per day

Pay Television Company StarTimes Media has restructured its terrestrial platform bouquets in a move that will…

‘Bure Kabisa’: Kenyans react to Uhuru’s ‘boring’ Speech

What a way to bring people back to earth after so high expectations? Everyone expected fireworks…

Fena-menal musician,gorgeous photos,and Dope music,This Kenyan artiste is a star!

This is a musician who has the rare ability to pull off the tomboy look and…

Significant boost to Manchester United over £128million star

Manchester United have reportedly been handed a potentially significant transfer boost as Atletico Madrid midfielder Saul…

Why Kate Middleton’s Style Has Made A Dramatic Change

With Kate Middleton, we are used to the ‘princessy’ kind of look as she waves in…

President Uhuru threatens to fire people in his state of the nation address

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday admitted being under pressure to sack perceived corrupt individuals while making…

Cleaning the player shelves;Manchester United ready to axe a high number of talent this summer

Manchester United’s talents have not proved their worth despite the heavy investments in the same, the…

Jeff Koinange opens up about his agonizing struggle with wife to get child

Profound International and local journalist , Jeff Koinange narrates how much of a struggle it was…

Samburu gov out of chains after settling new bail

Relief for embattled Samburu governor Moses Lenolkulal after he has finally been released upon paying cash…

Tusker coach Matano blames officials for the loss against Western Stima

Tusker FC head coach Robert Matano is far from impressed following his team’s 1-1 draw with…

Grieving families of Ethiopian plane crash victims go after Boeing seeking compensation

Families of victims of the Ethiopian Plane crash that took place in March have now gone…

Sabina Joy Nairobi, a Brothel where Sex is Almost Free

Sabina joy as its popularly known by its frequent visitors boost of serving a population of…

Revealed: Pilots Could Not Stop Ethiopian Airlines From Nosediving

The Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed last month nosedived several times before it hit the ground,…

Hidden camera viewing every details discovered

Airbnb is on the spot for having a family livestreamed by a hidden camera at their…

What makes Chief Magistrate Ogoti stand out

Reports from Milimani Law courts have it that, Anti-corruption court Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti is the second…

7 Important Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

How many times do you always brush your teeth? Brushing your teeth at least twice a…

Raila wins big in Uhuru’s address

The handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has won big…

Top African star retires

Former Nigeria international Peter Odemwingie has retired from football at the age of 37. Odemwingie represented the…

Reason Why Gospel Singer Ringtone Might Get Locked Up in a Rehab Center

In recent months Kenyan gospel musician well known as Ringtone has left fans questioning his well-being…