Mystic shocks court for ‘predicting’ Uhuru’s death

Wilson Mwangi Macharia appears before a court on Monday, March 11, 2019.

A man who was arrested a month ago with a plasterboard reading that President Uhuru will die on March 19 shocked a court after he stood firm and said that the President will die in 8 days.

The shoe shiner and a father of five had a placard bearing the inscriptions: “Uhuru will die if he fails to call god through us before March 19, 2019.”

The court ordered the man taken to parliament police station and a medical analysis conducted on him.

The mans family said that he suffers from epilepsy but quit taking medication in 1986 despite having numerous seizures.

The mans family further say that the shoe shiners wife left him
 in 2010 after he started having funny behaviors, he was later found in possesion of letters he had written to god.

Image result for man predicts dooms day arrested

Recently in 2018, he traveled to Ugunja island to allegedly expel Ugandan soldiers.

The magistrate directed that a comprehensive mental assessment be done on Macharia and report on same be tabled before her on March 18.

God forbid it that our president will die, he will live and prosper in his time.

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