Forget About Jogging, Here Is The Most Effective Exercise For Fat Loss

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Hight Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workouts involves intense exercises with short breaks of low exercise in between. This kind of training could help you lose more weight than jogging along a steady pace or riding a bike.

The high-intensity sessions could be skipping at high speed for thirty minutes and then going slow for the next 1 Minute. The breaks help you regain energy while the high-intensity exercise helps your body burn extra calories.

“ Interval training may lead to more weight loss because it triggers your body to burn more fat in the 24 hours after you exercise,” .This is because when you exercise really intensely, your muscles use all its energy stores that come from carbohydrates.

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Health experts often advise people trying to lose weight to focus on cutting calories and getting more active. But the ideal type and amount of exercise for optimal weight loss isn’t clear.

For the current analysis, researchers examined data from 41 smaller studies that compared weight loss results after at least four weeks of either interval training or moderate intensity continuous training programs, such as jogging, cycling or walking at a steady pace.

Both men and women lost weight and body fat with both types of workouts, regardless of starting weight.

However, interval training provided greater total weight loss: an average of 1.58 kilograms (3.5 pounds) compared with 1.13 kilograms (2.5 pounds) with continuous moderate intensity activity.

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“Losing weight is not only about how many calories you burn during exercise, but also how your body reacts during the hours and days after exercise,” said senior study author Paulo Gentil of the Federal University of Goias in Brazil.

While the exercise protocols varied, the most common high intensity interval workout alternated four minutes of all-out exercise with three minutes of recovery.

Most exercise guidelines recommend 150 to 250 minutes a week – and up to an hour a day – of moderate intensity aerobic exercise to prevent weight gain or to achieve modest weight loss. Obese people with many more pounds to shed are advised to exercise more than an hour a day, a target few people achieve, researchers note in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

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Exercise has many health benefits, but isn’t necessarily risk free, particularly for people who are older or have chronic health problems said

“Too much exercise can result in serious musculoskeletal injuries, cardiac events, including heart attacks and even death,” Kokkinos, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email. “The risk of such injuries is extremely low with low-to moderate intensity exercises, but may increase slightly with increased exercise intensities and duration.”

But because interval training doesn’t burn much fat during the brief bursts of exercise, other, longer workouts may achieve similar results for fat loss. Dia

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