Ladies!reasons Why It’s Healthy to Be in a Platonic Relationship


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You may have heard about friends with benefit but you may not have realized what that means because most people misinterpret the relationship.

When people of the opposite gender are friends, people will always link their friendship with sex.

However, it is important especially for ladies who are viewed as the weakest gender to have a male best friend.

Here is why you need to be in a platonic relationship.

It Can Teach You About The Opposite Sex

Most men and women have different ways of communication and have different perspectives.

If you can’t seem to understand the opposite sex, having a close friend from the opposite sex may help you to see what’s going on in their heads.

If you’re dating someone, your platonic friend may be able to help understand where your partner is coming from when you two argue.

It Gives You Communication Skills

If you lack friends or have trouble talking to the opposite sex, having a platonic friend can teach you some valuable communication skills.

Some people may feel intimidated by talking to the opposite sex, but having a platonic friend can help you feel more comfortable with communication. Not just for the opposite sex, but for people in general.


Image result for black platonic friends

You Can Meet Your Supportive Needs

A man and a woman can support each other in different ways. Men tend to be more solution-focused, while women are more emotional.

If a man is having a problem, a woman can be there to offer emotional support and give them comfort.

They Can Call You Out On Your Bad Relationship Habits

Men and women can both have bad habits in their relationships that can be remedied with a discussion.

A platonic friend will always be there to help you kick your habits.

It Helps Build Trust For The Other Gender

Some people have trust issues especially if you have dated before and betrayed by your partner then you may have some problems trusting everyone who is the opposite gender.

Having a platonic friend is baby steps towards opening up your trust again.

You may feel like you can be yourself around your friend and talk to them about anything, all while not fearing heartbreak. It can be the stepping stone you need for being on the dating scene.



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