Why are Kenyan men struggling with low libido?

Image result for black man with sexual dysfunction
Photo: Courtesy

When we are faced with challenges, we are always quick to find a solution but some issues make us unsure of what could be going on. There are some disturbing issues that can damage your sexual life. These sexual issues could make it difficult for you to enjoy intercourse and could pose certain problems between you and your partner. Over time, Erectile dysfunction is a common problem men face sexually.

Male sexual dysfunction can be a pointer of abnormal health of the heart. Many male friends find that their bodies are having some issue unknowingly and could find it difficult to open up about it. It is estimated that people will have the sex life of about 2,000 to 3,000 times in their lifetime. The higher the number having sex, the probability of having problems are also higher.

Image result for black man with sexual dysfunction
Photo: Courtesy

This male sexual dysfunction prevents a man from getting or keeping an erection. Although erectile dysfunction is not a natural part of aging, the condition is more commonly found in older men.

What do you think is causing sexual dysfunction among men?

Lamech Maranga High or normal libido is s normal rhythm in every man,it doesn’t need any specific food for it. Any man with low libido causes are acute infections and modern lifestyle of foods and drinks.

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