How to Heal Quickly After Rejection

It has happened to almost everyone, probably you’ve had a huge crush on someone or your feelings have even risen to a point that you think you are in love with them.

It is always hard news to break because you fear being hurt. But when you gather the courage to speak out, that is when you get hurt.

Ah, such is love. Rejection really is no fun. The more you like someone and the more you built up the fantasy relationship in your head, the harder it is to get over the rejection.

Somehow you had hoped that they would like you back, but they don’t, and now all you want to do is lie in bed and mope around for a few decades.

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The good news is that you can get over this, though. Your pain and suffering is only temporary in most cases, and all of that suffering is due to factors that are actually somewhat under your control.

Wait, what? Surely you can’t control whether or not the object of your desire wants you back! Indeed you can’t, but you do have some control over your reaction to it.

If you want to heal quickly from rejection, follow these simple rules;

Your Crush is not the only one

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Most of the pain you undergo due to rejection are caused by you.

Why? Because you have over-focus on one person and thinks that without them you are done!

Common! There over 7 billion people in the world and among them there must be two or three that are your perfect match.

It’s hard to see past the one person you love right now, but love is something that we can cultivate as well. Look at all of the people around you. Try to find something you love in each of them, even when you’re not romantically interested.

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This is a good mental exercise to remind you that the traits you’re attracted to in your love interest exist in other people as well.

Enjoy your life with others out there

The easiest way to overcome rejection is by interacting with people.

After your partner rejects you, closing yourself in the house and drowning yourself with tears will only make you sick and lead you to do stupid thing that you’ll remain regretting.

Instead, spread your love around a little bit and be less attached to the results. Appreciate what you like in other people without worrying too much about what they think about you.

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This is what New Age types tend to call “Abundance Mentality,” but really what it means is that you’re not feeling needy and overly-invested. This can apply to many parts of your life, even your health and your financial situation, but in this case it can have a huge impact on your love life.

Take some time away from your crush

Asking when to meet or talk to your crush again? This is very simple, especially if the rejection was serious. Take some time far away from your crush.

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Wait a month or so until it doesn’t hurt quite so badly before hanging out with them again. After being apart for awhile, you may even find that your feelings have dissipated, especially if you’ve been seeing other people in the meantime.

If your former love interest just doesn’t want to see you again after the rejection, then that can be rough, but you should respect their wishes. Maybe in time, they will come around, but they will probably only be interested in friendship. Ignore them for a while and see what happens.

How to mend your broken heart

Don’t struggle to mend it. Instead, it will mend itself just the same way the other parts of your body does heal.

However, you can fasten the speed at which it gets healed. Just be positive with life and only do things that will keep you motivated.

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