People trying to chat to you when wearing earphones?

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To the person who talks to me while I’m wearing headphones:

I am fairly certain that you are not blind, and my headphones should be playing just loud enough that you can hear at least the melody of the song I am listening to. However, I cannot fathom why you have gone out of your way to try and talk to me.

I thought that headphones were the universal signal for “please do not talk to me,” and yet here you are. Listen, I am trying my darnedest to be polite because that’s the kind of person my parents raised me to be, but I think you also need to respect my personal space. There are tons of open seats around here, and yet you have somehow chosen the one directly next to me.

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You know how dudes feel when someone stands right next to them at urinals? Yeah, this is kind of like that. You are invading my personal bubble, and I do not like it in the least bit.

Let me ask you something. What compelled you to sit down next to me? Granted I did look up when you sat down, but I do not know you, and therefore was not compelled to pull my headphones out to greet you in any way, shape or form.

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Maybe a slight nod or smile, sure, but that is just common courtesy. Like we say back home, “Don’t mistake my aloha for flirting.” Translation: Don’t mistake my niceness for flirting.

Just because I am nice to you does not mean I want anything from you.

If I were younger and more naive, then yes, perhaps I would have indulged in your self-serving conversation. However, I am older and wiser than the cute girl that would have accepted your yapping with a smile and put off whatever I was doing to indulge you, no matter how important it was. I could have been applying to my dream college, and I still would have given you the time of day just because that’s who I was.

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Now that I am thinking back on it, I realize I only had so much time to give to people like you, and over the years the amount has been steadily decreasing to the point where I no longer care. Or rather, it has gotten to the point where I no longer give a damn about your personal agenda for why you are talking to me.

I am not sure why you seem so entitled to think that I owe you my time, but perhaps that is what society has taught you, yes? That somehow, because I am a girl, I owe you my time. Well, I am sorry to be perhaps the first to inform you that this is not the case. I hope that wherever you go later, you will learn and remember that I owe you nothing.

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