Ivy’s killing Should Not Be Reduced to the “Men killing Women.” Narrative, There are deep underlying issues

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Let’s not reduce debate over Ivy Wangeci killing to a simplistic “men killing women.”, there are deep underlying issues

I have really restrained myself from commenting on the current gender based violence issues. It is such a sensitive and emotive issue that generates more heat than light at every turn.

Right from the start let me say I abhor and condemn any violence whether gender based or otherwise. It is beyond sad that love which should be a source of life is now turning into a source of death.

Image result for IVY WANGECHI

I feel it is shameful for some people to reduce this issue into a gender war and turn it into a simplistic argument of “men killing women.” There also many men who have been killed and maimed by women yet no one has pushed the argument that “women are killing men.”

Instead of people thinking hard about the cause of such senseless murders most are quick to post long heroic statements only aimed at capitalising on the grave matter for popularity’s sake.

The truth is that society is badly bruised by many things including the current economic crisis. Depression and mental illnesses are real whether we like it or not These murders will continue unless the root causes are isolated and sorted out.


People should be free to debate these issues without being judged as justifying the murders. That is one step towards resolving the gender based violence.

Turning the issue into a gender war will never solve anything. Actually it will make a bad situation worse. The socio and economic tensions and the gender context must be dealt with in a more deeper way.

If doing that is too much then we should reintroduce the implementation of death sentence on all these murderers. Hang them early and get done with it

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