Did You Know This About Love Making?

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Sex is great! But it also has its own problems that can affect anyone and one should not be too embarrassed to seek help or sex therapy.

Sex can be defined a thousand ways, and there’s no single answer to what it is. But having a personal definition and sharing it with others is a good place to start to get more of what you want sexually.

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Sex is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. However, sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe experiences; free of coercion, discrimination and violence.

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For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected, and fulfilled.

Sex is a way of becoming one with a loved one. It’s also an expression of our deepest being searching for love and giving it through the body. Sex enables two or more individuals to come together to express their love, lust, desire for bonding or caring for each other. Random sex – with different partners is just that; random and will not reflect a loving relationship, but some form of sexual disorder.

People have sex for different reasons. According to a study conducted on Sex, the leading reason for sex is, “Being attracted to a person.” there are also other motivations to sex.

“Traditionally, children are necessary in marriage so sex is for procreation

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It’s a form of survival if one is a prostitute

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Experiencing physical pleasure and expressing love and to escalate the depth of the relationship. People also have sex to mark a special occasion – it’s a quick opportunity for celebration.”

Sex, however, is also a tool employed for baser reasons. “Women use it as a trap to get their necessities because under the blanket a man is vulnerable to all a woman’s tricks. “Men also use it for selfish motives to exploit the women they have.”

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The best news about this activity, according to research is that sex is a cure for illnesses like headache and hypertension-related diseases. Sex as therapy can solve problems associated with problems in a relationship such as lack of satisfaction, especially for married couples who engage in it regularly.

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However, there are various problems associated with sex. These include sexual dysfunctions: non-consummation, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, unwanted sexual fetishes, sexual addiction, experiencing pain during sex, lack of sexual confidence. When these problems show up, sex therapy is needed.

Sex therapy is used to treat a host of all these problems commonly caused by stress, fatigue, and other environmental and relationship factors.

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Sex therapy is usually solution focused. A sex therapist will try to help you develop a clearly defined issue. The goal of therapy will be to work on that issue and resolve it, or find a way to make whatever problems it causes have less of an impact on your life and sex life.

Commonly sex therapy will focus on a sexual dysfunction or major sexual communication problems between partners

“ Conditions like erectile dysfunction which affects one in ten men over the age of 40. It is one of the main causes of break-ups in marriage, and it should be addressed early enough.

So if your sex life with your partner is not as fulfilling as it could be, there are many options for therapy or help. The worst thing you do could be keeping the problems that happen between the sheets locked behind closed doors.

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