Find out: Why women cry more often than men

Being one of the simple things that people often ignore or fail to notice at all, crying patterns in women and men are worlds apart.

Women will cry 4,680 times over their adult lifetime — more than twice as much as men, a 2017 study found.

Sad TV shows or books, tiredness and arguments with their partner mean the average woman will cry six times a month — or 72 times a year.

Thrice a month

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In comparison, men will shed a tear just three times a month.

But the study, by the makers of eyedrop Hycosan Fresh, found men are less embarrassed about crying in front of others, with four in 10 claiming they wouldn’t be bothered about shedding a tear in public compared to just a third of women.

Psychologist Emma Kenny said: “While women are stereotypically associated with crying, the results of this study actually show that men are now feeling that it’s acceptable to show their emotions and feel crying is acceptable.

Feel embarrassed

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“While it is often suggested that women cry without issue, the results actually suggest that women feel embarrassed when they let their emotions show.”

A spokesperson for Hycosan Fresh added, “For many of us, crying is simply a healthy way of expressing our emotions, but for some, there can be a more serious reason for their watery eyes.

“Dry eye disease can affect many of us and leave us shedding tears for all the wrong reasons.”

Never take the crier woman, no

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The study of 2,000 adults found 51 percent of women admit to being a big crier — crying often or at little things.

But far from shying away from it, three in 10 men are also happy to admit they often shed a tear.

A sad TV show, movie or book is most likely to leave women watery-eyed, while men tear up at sad moments or memories.

But why do they cry a lot, though?

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Other reasons for crying include funerals, grief and anxiety.

But women are more likely to cry happy tears, with 40 percent admitting to shedding a tear for a good reason, something just 24 percent of men do.

And while 64 percent of women admit to crying for no reason, just three in 10 men can say the same.

Public crier

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The study also found an emotional 44 percent of men have cried in public, along with a huge 80 percent of women.

Crying in front of work colleagues would leave many feeling most embarrassed, followed by their boss, strangers and acquaintances.

But almost one in 10 admit they would be left red-faced if they shed a tear in front of their own partner.

Researchers also found 64 percent of people believe their eyes are crucial when it comes to expressing how they feel.

Red eyes don’t cry?

However, watery and red eyes don’t always point to crying, with a quarter of people admitting they are often left with teary eyes after looking at a computer screen for too long.

One in four suffer the odd tear thanks to air conditioning, while 38 percent are left with streaming eyes due to hay fever.

Others say they have watery eyes because of cold weather, when chopping onions and due to tiredness.

Dry eye disease

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Optometrist Niall O’Kane said: “Dry eye disease is becoming increasingly common due to our modern lifestyles and reliance on computers and screens.

“It’s caused by concentration and not blinking as often as we should, which causes dry spots to form on the surface of our eyes.”

“Symptoms include irritation, redness and watery eyes.

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“If you’re experiencing more moderate to severe symptoms, then it’s important to see your optometrist for a ‘tear clinic’ appointment, where your symptoms can be assessed and you can be advised on the best treatment plan and prevent potential future problems.”

New specialist tear clinics are being set up to address this growing issue, which in severe cases can lead to scarring of the front surface of the eye if left unmanaged.

Watch this: Surprising reasons women cry more than men

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