Revealed! Why living and working in Dubai should top your bucket list

Did you know that more than 83% of Dubai’s population are foreign born? Considering the fact that there are many crisis prone areas in the middle-east, you may want to think that majority of the immigrants are refugees, however this is not the case.

According to a World Economic Report forum, a vast majority of the foreigners in Dubai are economic immigrants. The rapidly-developing United Arab Emirates (UAE) tops the list for immigration in the Gulf region — migrants constitute nearly 90% of the UAE’s population, owing to the country’s economic attractiveness, infrastructural developments and tourism potentials.

To work in Dubai, visa’s are granted temporarily and must be renewed at frequent intervals. Another interesting fact is that, once the company interested in your services gives you a promotion and a pay hike, they also provide you with visas for your family; visas that may last for one-to-three years, depending on the nature of the work.

An immigrant worker may sponsor the residence visa for their spouse and children if they fulfill certain requirements, like a minimum salary, set by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).

By virtue of UAE’s easy access policies with respect to work visas, immigrant workers are able to earn far more than they would otherwise have earned in their home countries, and are able to remit money earned back to their families. The economic benefit to migrant workers is extraordinarily and systematically large: migration to the UAE for basic construction work causes their daily wage to rise by a factor of five, and causes employment to rise by at least 20% points.

Creating employment opportunities for legal and local populations has gone a long way in ensuring low unemployment rates and broader economic growth, and calming anti-immigrant sentiments.

In part this is thanks to the language of the government’s initiative Vision 2021, which recognises the importance of a “cohesive society and preserved identity.” The government appears committed to promoting an inclusive environment, one that integrates all segments of society while preserving UAE’s unique culture, heritage, and traditions.

Things are now different in Dubai, unlike what it was several years back, foreign nationals can now obtain property, get a flat or a house on a 90-year lease, build a business empire, sponsor family members, and not be bound to anyone.

The atmosphere in the city is breathtaking; from the exotic life, architectural master pieces, work friendly environment and wonderful opportunities, living and working in Dubai should top your bucket list. And what is more?

There’s ease of business with virtually no crime rate Experts are fast shifting their focus from other illustrious places like the UK, Canada, Australia, US and Switzerland to a place that was once a relatively unknown desert. From desert city to builder’s paradise, Dubai has now become a city of unbroken dreams; a place where dreams come true.

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