Why Hyenas in Aberdares are biting off animals balls for their own Survival

Stranger than fiction: Hungry Aberdare hyenas bite off buffalo balls

“The incidences of hyenas biting of testicles and tails of buffaloes are everyday occurrences in the national park. Tens of buffaloes are partly deformed after hyenas chewed off some parts,” The senior warden said.

Ms Ajuoga said that the incidences are as a result of imbalance in the eco-system occasioned by lack of lions in the park which has left the hyenas without any leftovers to feed on. “In this case, hyenas are forced to hunt instead of scavenging on leftovers that have been left by other predators. This forces them to hunt on easily available things and since they lack the power to strangle, they depend on biting off hanging parts for survival,” she said.

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The Aberdare National Park Senior Warden, Ms Lilian Ajuoga, says that the strange phenomenon, first reported in 2008, has been escalating lately, with hyena keeping the eyes on the ball, quite literally.

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