Can WiFi, mobile phones, laptops cause male infertility? find out here



Image result for cell phones and male infertility

Sperm count and sperm quality do matter for a couple that wants to make babies. Many men who fail to impregnate their women after many rounds of ‘migwatos’, often run to the internet to try and self diagnose as to why they are shooting blank-shots in bed.

What most most them don’t know is that they could be infertile. According to EverydayHealth a magazine that specializes on health matters, there are some activities that could ruin the count and quality of the sperm cells. In terms of both sperm count and sperm quality, there is some evidence that a laptop with a Wi-Fi connection might be a sperm killer.


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In a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, samples of sperm were collected from 29 men and stored either normally or under a laptop with a wireless connection.

The sperm in the laptop sample had decreased motility and more DNA damage was done to it – factors that could hurt chances of reproduction.

An assistant professor of urology  at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem,  Ryan Terleki, MD, said heat is yet another factor with laptops that might affect quality of sperm. He said that it is established that heat generated by a working laptop, has the ability to adversely affect the quality and the quantity of the semen.

Cell phones too, have a massive negative  impact on sperm count and sperm quality.

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A review article from the University of California, Berkeley, looked at the findings of several studies on the topic.

Eight of nine results showed a negative impact on men’s sperm counts traced to cell phones, more so when the phones are kept in a trouser pocket.

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Terleki said: “The data on cell phones in regard to sperm detriment is growing.”

“Cell phones emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves, which may have adverse effects on the cells necessary for development of sperm within the testicle.”

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