Adopt Correct Positions for a Healthy life, Here’s How

Sitting correctly is critical for maintaining good posture and a healthy spine.Sitting in a wrong posture puts on at a risk of having back pains and can cause permanent damage to the spine. Here are ways to improve sitting positions a advised by Mayo Clinic.

Keeping the back straight keeps the body health, reduces tiredness and makes one look confident. The back is the critical consideration for a sitting position. While seated, it is also important to take some breaks as sitting for long can cause a variety of health effects such as back pains.

A good posture ensures that all the body parts are correctly aligned and have the right amount of effort and muscles supporting.

Correct posture helps the body in the following way:

  • Reduces wear and tear of moving parts, joints and ligaments
  • Maintain activity balance
  • Controls muscle strain during a heavy task or exercise
  • Ensures that the spine is healthy

The following are healthy sitting practices that despite the height, they can ensure high productivity and optimum health.

  • Avoid crossed knees
  • Relax your shoulders
  • Ensure your forearm and shoulders are parallel to the floor
  • Sit straight and look forward without panning. twisting or bedding the neck
  • Take breaks momentarily and take a walk

If seated at a computer ensure that the depression angle of your eyes to the computer is a minimum of 20 degrees. For good optical health, it is advisable to keep your eyes at most 40cm from the computer screen.

If you find yourself straining much and your environment limits movement, always stand and stretch.





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