Go Bald or go Home; School girls told

Apparently six girls from a secondary school in Busia county known as S.t Joseph’s Ganjala have been expelled from school for keeping long hair. The school wants them to do what? shave. I am yet to understand the idea of making school girls shave. It will not make them responsible at all. That is the highest level of ignorance a school board can have.

They can just say no to crazy hairtstyles but shaving is extreme. How does shaving a girl make her responsible? Just tell them not to spend too much in maintaining their hair so that they won’t be late for class.

Image result for students with phones

A school can say we don’t want students with phones in schools because they will spend too much time browsing and not studying. That is a legit reason because that is what teenagers will do. BUT if students are trained to be responsible with technology and focused on their studies, they can have phones in school. Actually there are schools where students are allowed to have smartphones.

The idea of shaving school girls in this century is just blatant ignorance. Just say no to mohawks, fohawks, undercuts and other boujee styles that are meant for clubbing. But I think it is proper for them to keep their natural hair.

And sometimes you wonder where are the human rights bodies when it comes to these issues? Is this not low-key gender abuse?

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