Magistrate saves 30 yr old man from rotting in jail in false accusations over land tussle

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Ambition is good for a human being but when toxic it can be a man’s most dangerous weapon especially in an era where money makes the world go round. Too ambititious personas may spin the world in the worst direction just to get what they want.

After the former vice president’s family have brought out the family estate feud in public due to inability to solve the inheritance scandal amicably where siblings are accusing one another of denying the other fare share of the property, another ordinary family has taken the tophy in their dubious method to settle their dispute.

Mr Jimmy Paul (not his real name) has been fighting defilement charges levelled against him by his first uncle due to a land succession dispute.

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Had a magistrate court not noticed the malice within the family, the 30-year-old man would have spent the rest of his life behind bars, according to the Act.

The court acquitted him of criminal charges of defiling an eight-year-old cousin.

It turned out that the girls’ family wanted to use the Act to elbow out Jimmy from the succession of a one-hectare plot.

Asked about the case, Jimmy said he was implicated in the criminal charges in June 25, 2014 by his uncle (complaint’s father) due to a protracted dispute involving inheritance of family land. The plot was left behind by his grandfather.

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During hearing of the case, a family member, who is also an uncle of Jimmy, let the cat out of the bag and revealed that the alleged sexual assault case was an extension of the land dispute.

And since Jimmy is an orphan, having lost his mother, who was a single parent, at the tender age of about five years, the father of the complainant wanted to get rid of him. He was the only child of his mother.

Before the defilement claim, Senior Principal Magistrate Phillip Mutua heard that the complainant’s father had threatened to fatally harm Jimmy using a machete after quarrelling over the land.

In his ruling, the court found the charges were not genuine and the complainant was not truthful in her evidence about the alleged incident.

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