ODM tells Wetangula to stop talking like a first year student

Related imageA first-year confuses everything even the toilet; you will find a first-year male student entering a female toilet and you wonder what is happening to them and this is what Moses Wetangular has been compared to by ODM party.
The ridicule on social media started after the Ford Kenya chief criticized the ODM party over allocation of funds .

In June, Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula accused three prominent Kenyan families of monopolizing the country’s leadership.

Wetangula was asked why he chose to exit the National Super Alliance (NASA) to which he responded saying:

“Certain communities think that leadership should oscillate and rotate around them.

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“And everyone knows that there are families; the Mois, Odingas and Kenyattas, who must be at the centre of everything. There are some of us capable of running this country,”

The Ford Kenya party boss has now come out guns blazing demanding that his party be given a share of the money that will be handed to political parties by the government.

In a tweet on Tuesday morning, Mr Wetangula sensationally issued an ultimate to ODM party to ensure that all the parties under the Nasa coalition to be given equal shares from the Political Parties Funds.

The National Assembly Special Funds Committee has recommended that 0.3 per cent of national revenue collection should go to political parties. In the current situation, this will amount to Ksh5 billion.

The MPs want the treasury to comply with a 2017 rulling that required the treasury to comply with the rule, by implementing the same in 2018/19 financial year.

If implemented, the Jubilee Party and Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party will share more than Ksh3 billion.

They will however have to share the chunk with their affiliate parties that supported them during the 2017 general elections.

Jubilee was backed by Kanu, Maendeleo Chap Chap, Narc Kenya, Labour party of Kenya among others while Raila’s candidacy under the Nasa Coalition was supported by the Wiper Party, Amani National Congress and Ford Kenya.

In 2016/17 financial year, TNA got the lion’s share of Ksh149.4 million while ODM got Ksh131.3 million. Ruto’s URP got Ksh47.1 million against Kalonzo’s Wiper Party which got Ksh24.1 million.

The FORD-Kenya Party is set to move to court to sue the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) over the sharing of funds in the National Super Alliance (NASA) opposition coalition.
Speaking during a meeting with Ford Kenya party officials on Sunday, Wetangula accused the Raila Odinga-led Orange party of excluding the other three NASA affiliate parties in the sharing of funds allocated to the opposition.
“ODM is appropriating all the political parties funds being paid from the exchequer to the exclusion of ANC, Wiper and Ford Kenya,” said Wetangula.

Image result for nasa political party

In 2017/18 financial year, only Jubilee and ODM received the political parties fund. Jubilee received Ksh240.4 million while ODM got Ksh112.3 million. In the year, political parties were allocated Ksh371.2 million.

According to the constitution, political parties are entitled to at least 0.3 per cent of the total national revenue collection. However, only political parties that garner at least five percent in the national voting grid in the tallies fro president, governors, MPs and members of the county assemblies.

95 per cent is distributed proportionally while five per cent is retained by the registrar of political parties.

Despite this, the 0.3 per cent threshold has never been met by the government, forcing ODM to go to court in 2016.

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