Own goal! Wema Sepetu eats humble pie after future husband blunder


Tanzanian sweetheart Wema sepetu has today held a press conference to give a public apology for the things that she has done which may have hurt or affected the people that look up to her.

She says that she wanted to  take full responsibility of the things she has done. She asked that the Tanzanian  government , her mother, fans and her film board and all those who have been supporting her to forgive her.

This apology comes after she shared a photo and video of her future husband last week; in the video the two shared a kiss and concerns were raised that this was inappropriate. People also want ahead to share other past photos and videos for her and this was on the trends.

“My actions affected many,I am not here to justify what I did or give an explanation because  I am wrong and i do not need to blame anyone on what happened a mistake remains to be a mistake.. I am not asking for an apology because I want to get sympathy but because I have realized that what I did was wrong.


These might be usual things that everyone does but when it comes out in the public, it brings  a different picture which is more than shameful,… I have wronged and I am asking to be pardoned. I might not be understood  based on the history of my past life but I am glad this happened … because I had not seen the bigger picture and how it was affecting others.

Sometimes we need to be pinched by huge things so that we may wake up. This has woken me up and I have learnt a lot ” she said


Wema Sepetu is one of the Tanzanian beauties that has been on the spot  for may reasons among being Diamond Platinumz ex girlfriend.

The Tanzanian government is said to have passed a law against publicizing any intimate content and Wema Sepetu is not the first to have had to face this law.

Wema Sepetu went ahead and deleted the photo and video that put her in trouble…



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