Belgium needs to trespass mental barrier – Roberto Martinez

Belgium must conquer a psychological hindrance in the event that they are to win this present summer’s World Cup, says director Roberto Martinez.

They have a standout amongst the most capable squads in Russia, containing Premier League stars, for example, Kevin de Bruyne, Eden Hazard and Romelu Lukaku.

Be that as it may, Belgium – who will confront England in Group G – lost to Wales in the last eight of the Euro 2016 and Argentina in the World Cup quarter-finals in 2014.

“We need to learn how to be a winning team,” Martinez said in a new book Football 2.0: How The World’s Best Play The Modern Game.

“We’ve got exceptional talent, but talent on its own is not enough to win a major tournament. We’ve never had the direction before.”

Belgium’s universal family is blended. They achieved the last of the 1980 European Championships and the last four of the 1986 World Cup, anyway they neglected to achieve a noteworthy finals in the vicinity of 2002 and 2014.

It was amid that nonattendance that another advancement structure was established, based around adolescents playing a 4-3-3 framework, and those progressions have been vindicated by the plenty of Belgians peppered around Europe’s significant alliances.

Considering that, previous Wigan Athletic and Everton manager Martinez draws parallels between his squad and the French group that won the 1998 World Cup and the Spanish side that triumphed at Euro 2008.

Both those countries attempted to change over their capacity into flatware in any case, once they did, they could rehash their prosperity – France at Euro 2000 and Spain at both the 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012.

“The mentality is the biggest area we have to improve,” Martinez said.

“We need to work on the psychology and the mental aspect of being a team. We need the right mentality to get through the difficult moments of a game.

“When France and Spain did that, and won, there was a knock-on effect where they went on to win more trophies.”

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