Exciting Ways Long-Distance Partners Keep The Love Alive During Corona Virus

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The Coronavirus has brought the whole world into a standstill. It is no longer business as usual in the office or at home.

Relationshipwise, some of the people who most affected are people in long-distance relationships. While they are somehow used to the distance, this time it is accompanied by so much anxiety and worry for their partners. Other younger relationships have been forced to stay at home with their parents, parting ways with their lovers. This is true for campus students and young graduates.

Distance could cause a strain on any relationship during this period of social-distancing, but that doesn’t mean the relationship should be boring. Here are a few exciting ways to spice up your love life even from a distance.

Use technology to your advantage

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With the advancement in technology over the past couple of years, it has become easier to talk to someone and see them in real-time despite them being miles away. Use technology to set up cute Whatsapp video call dates doing the activities you love the most. These could include cooking together, watching movies together, playing virtual games together or even dancing. They will not be there but it will feel like they are. Social distancing can be lonely but technology eases the burden quite a bit. Doing these fun tasks could actually bring you closer.

Constant communication

Keeping in constant communication is the way to make a long-distance work in these trying times. By talking about your day and your feelings, you are able to keep both yourself and your partner at ease. Tension is high but knowing your partner is safe eases some of it. Always encourage each other and reassure your partner that they can depend on you even from a distance. This encouragement goes a long way.


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Depending on what level of the relationship you’re in, if sex was in the relationship before coronavirus, then it is important during the outbreak as well. While sex is mostly physical, there are ways to spice up your bedroom from a distance. For starters, master your dirty talk. It will come in handy for the sex chats. Sex toys will also come in handy for the video sex calls so I hope you stocked up.

Plan for after

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To keep the hope alive, both of you must anticipate for a future after the coronavirus. The best way to do this is o make plans for after. Plan for the dates you are looking forward to in future and future life plans together.

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