Ways to Overcome the Death of a Loved One


Losing a loved one can be a highly charged and very traumatic time.

Though coping with loss can be a deeply personal experience, there are a few basic and universal steps to the bereavement and grief process.

Here are some of the ways to cope when your loved one dies.

Tell yourself that grief is normal.

Grief is very, very painful. However, working through this pain is necessary in order to heal and move on from a great loss.

Do not deny that something bad has happened to you and that you are hurting. Grieving is healthy: it is not a sign of weakness.
Learn to accept the death of your loved one.
 This is usually the last step in the grieving process, and it means that you have learned how to live without your loved one.
Sometimes people feel guilty about being able to re-establish a normal life after the death of a loved one and believe that moving on is somehow a betrayal.
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Don’t put yourself on a timeline.
Keep in mind that you cannot get through grief on a schedule.
Different people will progress differently through grief, and you might continue to grieve throughout your life.
Reach out to other mourners for support.
While much of your grieving process will be solitary, you will likely find solace in the company of other mourners who miss your loved one just like you.
Share your own painful emotions with your support network as well as happy memories of your loved one who is gone.
Ask for help from people who are not mourning.
Other mourners will be able to help share your pain but other people in your support network but not mourning will help you get your life back on track.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to your network if you need help taking care of your children, taking care of your house, or distracting yourself.

Let your emotions be expressed and released.

Don’t stop yourself from having a good cry if you feel one coming on.
Don’t worry if listening to particular songs or doing certain things is painful because it brings back memories of the person that you lost. It’s natural to feel this way. After a while, it becomes less painful. Know that you can (and will) feel better over time.

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