Fisilets ! Best Ways to ‘Nyemelea’ a Kenyan Guy

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‘Nyemelearing’ a guy is an art that some women seem to be born with, while others avoid in sheer panic that the guy will disappear before they finish their first sentence.

The ability to flirt with guys is the single most important love life skill that every woman needs to know and that it can help you not only find the love of your life but keep him by your side forever.

Here are the best ways to get a guy’s attention.

 Eye Contact

Of all the body language ways to flirt with a guy, this one seems obvious, but I’ll bet you’re not aware of the powerful effect of a long-staring type of eye contact.

When you’re trying to get a guy’s attention from a far, stare at him until he becomes aware of it and makes eye contact with you.

If you already talking to the guy keep eye contact as much as you can.

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Find His Passion

This subtle way of flirting requires a few minutes of thinking.

If you already know a few things about your crush, use them to strike up a conversation.

Use Your Hair

Guys love it when girls run their hands through their hair.

The next time you’re talking to your crush, casually run your hand through your hair and smile if appropriate at that point Or tuck your hair behind your ears to show off your pretty face.

Accidental/Casual Touching

Guys skip a beat when a woman who flirts with them suddenly and gently touches them.

The only places recommended are his arms, his shoulder or his back.It makes them feel more comfortable and wanted, and more importantly



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