Six Simple Beauty Hacks Every Kenyan Lady Can Afford

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Every Kenyan lady always wonders how they can get certain cosmetics or ways to get their skin glowing without struggles.

But with the harsh economy, one can still get the glowing skin without drying up their pockets.

Here are some of the simple beauty hacks every Kenyan lady can afford.

Dead Skin

Use sugar and some coconut oil. Combine 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Rub gently on your skin and rinse with warm water.

Skin hydration

Normally, the first step to get a smooth skin is to take a lot of water before having to use chemicals or oils to hydrate the skin.

Avocado helps in nourishing your skin. Mash up an avocado and spread it evenly over your face. Let the avocado on your face for 20 minutes then rinse clean using warm water.

Your skin will be good to go.

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Tightening Skin Pores

If your face is red, tired, puffy ice water is the way to go. It will constrict the blood flow on the face making the skin appear tighter and more awake.

Dunk your face in ice water for 8 to 10 seconds and you are good to go.

Washing Face with urine

Urine skin therapy can help reduce the appearance of acne, eczema, and other skin conditions because pee contains minerals and nutrients.

This is the cheapest facial moisturizer ever.

Toned skin

Apple cider vinegar makes a great toner for the skin. Not only does it leave the skin soft, smooth, it helps in drying out pimples on your face.

Mix half a cup of apple cider and 2 of water and mix then apply the mixture on your face using a cotton ball. Rinse after 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day.

Shinny hair

If you have dull hair, use Olive Oil to infuse moisture and shine in your hair.

Heat half a cup of Olive Oil, for 10 seconds in a microwave then apply the warm oil on your hair. Cover with a shower cap and wait for 20 minutes then wash your hair as usual.

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