How You Can Help Your Child Hack KCSE Exam Jitters

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The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams are just around the corner and thousands of students are getting ready to sit for them.

The exams are usually a high-stress situation for the students and everyone who has gone through them can testify to this. This is because students are usually taught that their KCSE results have the power to make or break their futures.

Parents play a big role in ensuring that their candidate children give out the best results they possibly can. Here’s how to help your child maximize their potential during KCSE.

Moral Support

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Be your child’s biggest cheerleader. Knowing that they have you on their corner makes them more relaxed and able to take in what they study.


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KCSE is not the end of the world and it is a parent’s job to remind your child of this every day. It is important to remind them that you will love them no matter the outcome as well. Also that KCSE results don’t define a person. Many succeeded but haven’t gone anywhere far.

Proper reading and revision environment.

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It is important for parents to ensure that the home environment is safe and stress-free for the candidate. This could include avoiding entertaining guests during this period and minimizing noise as they study.

Pray with your candidate

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Depending on what religion you ascribe to, prayer to God is always a good way to go. It makes the candidate more comfortable and less stressed.

Be ready for any outcome

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Just as you reassure your child and hope for the best, it is important to remain open-minded and remember it is not the end of the world for them no matter the outcome.