Bra Commandments Every Kenyan Lady Must Obey

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Bras are one of the common essentials that women often use in their daily lives since they make them look polish and attractive.

And though it is commonly used, women often make mistakes when buying and taking care of bras.

Here are some of the common bra mistakes all ladies should avoid.

Wear Fitting bra

Make sure your bra fits correctly can improve your health. Wearing the wrong size for a long period of time can cause permanent health issues.

Bad bras can also cause bad posture, damaging the muscles in the chest and back.

Changing bra every day

Wearing a bra two days in a row may not be too much of a hygiene issue but also it’s harmful to your bra.

Never fold bra cups into each other

It’s always advisable to ever fold your bra cups into each other but to instead lay them out flat or even hang them on small hangers in your closet.

By folding the bra cups into each other, it will make them look old faster.

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Never keep them for too long

Bras will usually last about one year. Once you get a new bra, throw away the old ones.

Wash them daily

If you keep dirty bras for long it will not only contain germs but also discolor.

Never wash your bra with softening detergents

This damages your bra by softening the elastic.

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