6 Annoying Habits That Make Kenyan Men Least Desirable for Marriage

  • Image result for black couple arguing

The foundation of a good marriage often weighs on how compatible a couple is, from holding conversations to solving issues.

You must be with the right person for your marriage to stand any chance of being smooth and lasting.

Below is a list of men with habits that offend Kenyan women and place them as least desirable for marriage.

Mr. Occasional Cheater

Some women are willing to turn a blind eye to occasional cheating, but I think it’s totally unacceptable for any woman to continue to forgive and tolerate an immoral lifestyle from any man, especially after it’s been proven that he’s not willing to let that part of him go.

Marrying a man like this is like signing your own heartbreak warrant because for as long as you’re with him, you will have to contest with other women for his love and attention.

Mr. Bedroom Bully

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Some Kenyan men are ignorant and do not know anything about pleasing a woman. Some of them believe they are god’s gift to women yet they have never given a woman an orgasm! They jump all over the place, awkwardly becoming tough here and there and roll over, claiming they are done.

Mr. Stingy

This one is a little too obvious. If you have a man who hardly spends his money on you or complains terribly even though he has enough money to spend, I wouldn’t advise you to get yourself involved with him because he clearly doesn’t respect you enough and the disappointments and stinginess will likely continue even after marriage.

Mr. Poor in Money Management

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As a man, it is proper for you to know your needs, set them in their most pressing order, allocate some of your income to them and have some savings left for unforeseen times. It is evident if he cannot set his priorities right then he is not ideal for marriage making your future with him uncertain.

Mr. Disrespectful

He may show violent tendencies towards women or use derogatory remarks in reference to them. This is a sign he may also be the same to you in future.

Mr. Flows with any Wind

The implication of marrying a man of this nature is that your marriage and happiness is left hanging in the balance and at the mercy of other people.

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