Brilliant ways to keep bursting in happiness just like old times

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Photo: Courtesy

At one point in life, we have all experienced low times that can prevent us from being happy. Happiness is a highly sought-after state of being especially in recent times. Sometimes we could possibly blame the inventions, like the devices, internet maybe, people make assumptions that just because we post something on our social media, we are doing okay and happy with our lives.

Majority of us are hiding with these posts. If you are keen enough you will see it, people are not happy and some of us wish we went to the old ways. Where we would make physical visits to those we love just so we are sure they are doing fine. Many things can rob you of your happiness from stress to dissatisfaction.

Though some of these things are unavoidable, there are ways to keep your sanity and be happy all the time. Here are some ways that will make you feel happy in any situation:

Smile More

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Smiling is a way to express happy emotions. When we smile, our brain releases dopamine which is a feel-good hormone. Whether you experience a big win or a small win, by appreciating the things in your life, you’ll become happy all the time. The best way to practice smiling more is by starting each morning by smiling at yourself in the mirror. You can also say some positive words about yourself which will change your mindset over time.

Communicate Kindly

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You are what you say at least when it comes to your happiness. If you’re always saying negative words, this affects your state. You can’t be happy if you give out negative energy. Therefore, despite your feelings towards certain people, always treat everyone with the respect you would want to be afforded to you.

Practice Philanthropy

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Photo: Courtesy

By giving, you receive. Most people aspire to have big houses and cars in the name of being happy. Additionally, some think being philanthropic is only for the rich. However, happiness comes from a giving heart regardless of the amount. By helping the less fortunate, you experience the true meaning of happiness. Having material things can only do so much in making you happy.

Don’t Take Things Personally

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Photo: Courtesy

The world is not out to get you. In order to be happy regardless of the situation, you should realize that everybody is leading a difficult life. No one has a perfect life and whatever happens to you, happens to millions more. Therefore, disappointment shouldn’t be your narrative. Instead of letting others dictate your happiness, look at things from a different point of view. Try not to be biassed towards them and see yourself as a victim all the time.

Meet Friends

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Photo: Courtesy

Get off social media and create happy memories with people who care about your well-being. If you feel stressed or depressed, the best therapy is to be around your friends as they will uplift your mood. Make sure you have at least one friend who you can rely on to make you smile at any time.

Get Enough Rest

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Our body repairs itself when we go to sleep. Your mind is more relaxed thus less prone to negative emotions when you’re well-rested. However, when you don’t get enough rest, you’re less likely to control your emotions thus getting easily irritated. In a study, workers who didn’t take a nap in the afternoon were more prone to negative emotions compared to those who took a nap.

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