Why Kenyan ladies are constantly in contact with their Ex lovers

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Photo: Courtesy

Pain and especially frustration are some of the feelings that become part of us when we put an end to our love story, in those cases the first thing we think is that we have to say goodbye to that person. Going back to your first love is something probably most of us never want to fathom, because why did you break the way in the first place if you would later reconsider your decision?

Kenyans have shared their varied thoughts regarding sticking to the ex lover during a breakfast show in a reputable radio. The topic of discussion on Tuesday highlighted that there is a likeliness your girl still holds a torch for her ex. According to the hosts, it’s possible that every woman has that one guy who still has access to them.

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Lovers having fun time, Photo: Courtsey

If he calls she drops what she is doing. I don’t know how one person can have so much control over your life. That person who disappeared from your life and then they returned. This was based on the personal account of one woman who confessed her secret to Maina on air. She said

“I m divorced because of my ex-boyfriend. I was married to another man then my ex got back into my life. Actually, I got into marriage still loving my ex, and to date I still love him. He is married and once in a while he comes over for some good time.”

When we end a relationship, the first thing we are recommended is that we stop having contact with our former partner, since doing so will make the process of forgetting more difficult, however now science says the opposite and gives us 4 reasons for weight to remain a friend of whom for a time we thought was the love of our life.

Here are 4 reasons why most ladies remain attached to their ex lovers:

1.Emotional support


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Photo: Courtesy


If by any given chance you continue talking to your ex, it means that you do not want to lose the emotional support or trust that person gives you. You know perfectly what you are worth and above all, you accept that the relationship is over and that now the bond that unites them will be friendship.

2. Co-parenting and mutual property

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Photo: Courtesy

Supposing maybe a couple had married or there are children involved, there will be some things that they will have to share or they will keep them together. If they have material goods, they have to continue seeing each other, so having a dispute will make the existence of both more complicated for them, than saying if they have children, being angry or avoiding seeing the life of the little ones, the most innocent in this situation. martyrdom.


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Photo: Courtesy

Having an ex as a genuine friend is not wrong. Sometimes it is the best way to hurt the feelings of the other person, so distancing will be more painful for the abandoned party. Remember that the friendship does not take away the brave, there is nothing wrong with continuing to have contact with your ex.

4. Resilience

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Photo: Courtesy

They say that where there were fire ashes are left, so in case you still think you feel something for that person and you are one hundred per cent sure that the feeling is reciprocated, it is a strong reason to continue to have contact with your former.

Sometimes the second parts are better than the first, in case you feel that you can still recover the relationship and even improve, keep having contact with your ex will help you to realize if there is something to recover.

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