Giving your hair the proper TLC it needs

When it comes to hair care, a lot of us don’t really know the nitty gritty’s of it and it’s easy to be doing the wrong thing over and over with your precious hair. Here are some mistakes you may be making that you need to stop to achieve healthy hair.

1. Putting your hair up in a ponytail at night

As much as this may be the easiest way to put your hair before you wrap it, you may want to stop because it causes breakage and stresses your scalp.

hair mistakes- Zumi
2. You don’t trim your hair

Depending on your hair type it’s advisable to trim your hair about every three months but you can do this sooner. Getting rid of split ends is important because when you don’t the damage will just continue up the shaft. The sooner you trim them the better.

hair mistakes- Zumi
3. Skipping heat protectant

Before styling with heat, you should use a heat protector spray on your hair as this protects hair from heat damage, seals in shine, calms frizz, and keeps hair from becoming dry.

hair mistakes- Zumi
Source: Black Doctor
4. Wrapping your wet hair in a towel

This may be the best way to let our hair dry but your hairline will not forgive you for this because it puts a strain on the hair.

hair mistakes- Zumi
Source: The Huffington Post
5. Shampooing and conditioning wrongly

Okay ladies the proper way to shampoo your hair is at the scalp or roots of your hair while conditioning should be at the ends.

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