Here’s 3 Reasons why Celibacy works

celibate celibacy

In this society, sex is considered to be crucial in a relationship, which should not be the norm but such is liife..sigh.

Sex is important in a relationship but if it becomes the primal focus then you both fail to focus on getting to know if you’re both truly compatible. Here are three reasons why you should consider being celibate:

1. Reduce your body count

You can often end up sleeping with someone who was never meant to stay in your life, and if you do, not only do you increase your body count but on a spiritual and religious view they end up becoming a soul tie too.

If sex is important, try your best to hold out for as long as possible because this is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone. Learn to be selective about who you choose to give access to your body because this is a right for the privilege not for the mass.

2. You get to know each other without sexual confusion
celibate ceibacy

How men view sex is different to how we women view sex. Men can easily avoid emotional attachment while for us women it tends to hold a deeper meaning emotionally. However, if you’re constantly having sex with someone your feelings can be confused with there being a deeper connection simply because of both of you being intimate with one another.

Learn someone’s character first because the worst feeling is having slept with someone whose heart wasn’t in the right place and his actions, in the end, were not a reflection of a good-natured person.

3. Foundation can be deeper 
celibate celibacy

You have a better chance of having the right foundation set in your relationship because your focus is on building a connection emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. Who you are as beings evolve’s naturally with no pretense and you can form an even better friendship which is the cement of every long lasting relationship.

There has often been a misconception that practicing celibacy is always about religion and granted it can be but it is important to take time to understand why this is something you want to partake because they will help you during the times when you feel highly tempted to give in. Practicing being celibate is also a great way to discover if you’re controlled by the need of having sex or you are in control of your sexual desires.

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