How To Keep Yourself From Getting Panic Attacks

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Panic attacks have become a serious issue now more than ever because many heart attacks have been linked to an initial panic attack. This kind of attacks is triggered by anxiety causing symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pains.

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Panic attacks are an exaggeration of the body’s normal response to danger, stress or excitement. You might have physical symptoms like dizziness, nausea, rapid breathing, chest pains and sweating. Not many would know it is a panic attack.

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However, if it happens to you or anyone around you, this is what you can do;

1. The first thing you should do is to stabilize the affected person’s breathing by using techniques such as deep breathing and counting to five. 

Because it is caused by shortness of breath, so one must ensure that after getting deep breaths to get to breath normally

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2. Think about something similar, and bring back awareness to your body

If someone is suffering from a panic attack or is about to, the best thing to do is to think about something that is familiar, like your favourite song and begin to sing or put it on to listen to. This helps because it brings the awareness back to now and to change the current thinking and internal representation.

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Meaning that what you are thinking about in your mind changes. It brings you back to here and now and helps you change your physiology. Changing your physiology will help you because think about it when you are feeling unhappy or low, you have your shoulders slumped, you are looking down when you are happy you are the opposite.

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