How much Harder should you go for Her

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“How long did you last?” is a question most guys have heard or asked at some point in their lives, maybe they should be asking how many thrusts it takes for them to go from throbbing zero to coming hero?

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Results, published in a journal, introduce a condom with a different kind of coating made from hydrophilic polymers, which is a boring way of saying they made a condom that gets slippery when it comes into contact with bodily fluids. Esquire reports. “As for the 1,000 thrusts (dubbed ‘1,000 cycles’ in the paper), that’s how long the pre-coated condom is good for.

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Earlier this year, researchers found a huge variety in the times (i.e., the length people typically had sex), ranging from as low as 33 seconds to as high as 44 minutes. The median time was 5.4 minutes, which is almost a full 2.5 minutes longer than back in the 1940s when a famous sex researcher  deduced that three-quarters of men finished within two minutes.

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To that end, according to an article in The Cut, a 2008 survey of sex therapists, found that sex is “too short” when it lasts one to two minutes. Adequate’ is three to seven minutes, and ‘desirable’ is seven to 13 per the report.

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Still, none of these studies gets to the core of our concern which is less interested in the length of time sex takes and more concerned with the number of thrusts it takes to ejaculate and how close that number comes (pun unavoidable) to the aforementioned 1,000. It’s a concern that during sex, men thrust an average of 60-120 times? Today, however, it’s a little less, or about 40 thrusts for the average man to ejaculate. On the higher end of things, 33 percent of men self-reported that it takes them 200 plus thrusts to finish.

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Both partners tend to push forward at a rate of approximately once every 0.8 seconds. That means that men on average thrust 48 times per minute. And considering the median time for sex is 5.4 minutes, that means that the average number of thrusts it takes to ejaculate is closer to 260 humps or three different sessions of sex using the same self-lubricating condom.

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But let’s say you’re not the average ejaculator; instead, you’re a premature ejaculator. In that case, your average number of thrusts is somewhere around 6.31. And while that isn’t great news, if you’re a glass-half-full kind of premature ejaculator, keep in mind that this new lubricating condom could technically stay lubricated for a cool 158 sex sessions. That is, of course, if the medical association hadn’t completely gone out of its way earlier this year to warn people to never re-use a condom.

Image result for re using condom

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