Logic behind POOR people giving birth to many children than the Rich


If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake. You’ve heard this before โ€“ in speeches, commentaries, and talk shows.

Most humble households take pride in the many children they have even though they cannot afford to raise them well. On the contrary, the well off families tends to have fewer children even though they have more than enough resources to raise more kids.

A few unpleasant comments on Twitter about large families among the poor have prompted this article.

Saddening comments like “Those fools spend a lot of time watching porn,” inconsiderately shows that we no longer believe that every child is a precious gift from God.

When it comes to family size in the family level, the individual choice may be a factor.


There are many social, cultural, religious and even economic reasons why parents may have large families.

But based on what people think this is totally different. Everyone has got his/her own view on this.

Let’s take a look at a few from KOT:

The size of a couple’s family is their sole personal decision and all the naysayers should never seek to denigrate it.

I suggest that as a way of our mums and babies survival projects, relevant government departments should share family planning methods in a culturally appropriate way so parents can make informed decisions.

Here is a video of Kenyan lady with 44 children:

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