Waste Not Want Not: How You Can Get Creative With Left Overs

Image result for leftover food


When having a family party or your friends coming over, as African’s food is the second most important thing, of course after juicy gossip and storytelling.

At the end of the so-called party, there is always leftover food and the most leftover food is either carbs or/and starches. It is pretty rare for people to leave meat or a good veggie salad lay around, so what do you do about it? You just can’t throw it way, at least my culture will not allow me to.

Many people will either give it away or cook another protein or veggie and eat it. If you are the fun kind of person you will get more than creative on the matter at hand. Here are some considerations you could make.


1. Plan ahead

Image result for packed left over lunch

Think about what else the ingredients can be used for. Don’t think about them as leftovers but as ingredients instead which can form a part of another meal or as lunch you can carry to work the following day.

For example, cooked rice is a good base for other dishes like chicken, vegetable and egg fried rice.

When making a new recipe that calls for certain ingredients that you know you will only use that one time, consider using alternatives that you are sure you will use again and again.

2. Bread

Image result for bread crumbs for cooking

If you are forced to buy a large 800g loaf of bread, divide it into portions large enough for your family to eat in one sitting and store the rest for subsequent breakfasts.

Stale bread can be dried (on your countertop, in the sun or oven) and crushed to make breadcrumbs for recipes like chicken in breadcrumbs, stuffing, meatballs, etc.


3. Vegetables and fruits

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Add bruised or wilting fruit and vegetables to your smoothie ingredients and make a healthy breakfast.

Overripe bananas and apples can be peeled and frozen and used later in smoothies, baking and pancakes.

Blend overripe fruits like mangoes, avocadoes, pawpaw and drying oranges to make a fruit juice.

If you chop too many vegetables for a meal, keep the excess in a container and use them the following day in an egg omelette.


4. Fish

Image result for fish curry

Flake fish and combine it with boiled potatoes, onions, dhania, salt and seasoning of your choice to make fish cakes.


5. Chicken and meat

Image result for chicken sandwich

Leftover fried, roasted and grilled meat and chicken when shredded, can be used in sandwiches, salads or in soups and stews.

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