Common Questions that Kenyan Women hate being asked

Image result for Kenyan phrases than annoy women

Why can’t some people be geuinely happy for others?  It is very serious that our own reatives and friends fall into a trap and we later realise they cannot be genuinely happy for us. As we continue advancing into our own careers, raising children and contributing to the wellness of this society there are some questions people should stop asking such as these ones mentioned below:

Eeh umekuwa ukikula nini?

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This is usually such a turn off no lie. Especially when you are addressing a lady. The statement is very insensitive, human beings like making assumptions and judging which makes it hard for the respondent to know whether the question is in good faith. Be grateful that they are heathy and going about their duties.

When are you getting married

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People sometimes don’t understand that everyone views marriage differently. Some men and women don’t even wish to settle down and that is okay. What’s your issue whether they’re thirty and not married yet? Such questions need to stop. Learn to be Kind.

Kwani una enda out till morning?

Whenever I hear this question, the phrase that clicks to my mind is ‘Who asked you?’ So what’s wrong if they party till the next day? Is their partying inconveniencing you in any way? Please!

You drink whiskey na hauta lewa sana?

Again, if you’re not contributing some money in, just mind your business. Men see women as a weaker sex, kwani whiskey cannot be taken by ladies?

Image result for Kenyan woman taking whiskey

Why are you wearing that?

Unless the dressing is really inappropriate, the question is meaningless to be very honest. If you don’t like it, just say it. You wantherto changeto something decent, then approach it in a mature way.

Is that your real hair or a weave?

Kenyan men arefond of asking this question. One can left it slide through, but asking a lady such a question especially in public, is disrespectful. Take it upon yourself to know whether it’s a weave or not.

Image result for Kenyan woman in a weave

What does your boyfriend/husband do?

Ugh! People in these streets have guts. Why cant people just mind their business. Especially friends who dont know you so well as this question alot. Maybe if they knew what he does for a living they would calculate the amount of repect to give him ama?

Why are you single?

It’s okay to be single really. Some People prefer it that way and it’s okay, others have probably not found someone to call their own. and what’s better being single ama braeking people’s marriages?

You don’t think you wear too much makeup?

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Make-up is good. Ifits done really well you will hardly notice a lady has too much. Both men and women ak this question alot and it doesn’t speak well of a person.

 Is that man your sponsor?

simple question. And what if he is a sponsor? Do you have an idea why he does the things he does?

Which of these questions do you relate with and how do you answer them?

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