The Best Thing About Having Boys In Your Family

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It is said in this grown-up generation, there are more women are more than men, However recent studies have said that right now more boys than girls are being born meaning that in the next twenty or so years we will have the vice versa of what we are experiencing now, … shortage of men.

The boy child in the African traditional culture was a source of strength in the family, some people value boys more than they value the girl child but in real sense, it’s in raising a child and his/her exposure that will make them the strength of the family.

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The big question is what determines the gender of a child? We have seen men leave their wives simply because they have not borne them son’s, but in real sense, it is the responsibility of a man to determine the gender of a child.

So what happens in the mom’s womb?

Sperm cells are either X or Y while the ovaries are always X. If X-Sperm cell meets the ovum(X) the baby will be female (XX). If Y-Sperm cell meets the ovum(X), the baby will be male(XY).

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However, the Y-Sperm cells move fast but die fast (its lifespan is about 24hrs). X-Sperm cells move slowly but survive longer (up to 3-4days).

Therefore, if you have intercourse a few days before ovulation, most of the Y-Sperm cells would have died leaving mostly X-Sperm cells so chances of having a Girl is therefore higher.  To increase chances of conceiving a baby Boy, intercourse must be timed to coincide with ovulation.

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So why are people so crazy about having boys?

  • They are the heir to the throne – The continuation of the father’s name
  • They are a source of security the family – It’s hard to attack a house that is full of boys. Some say that even one boy among girls makes a huge difference.
  • The cost of raising a boy is considerably lower than raising a girl
  • They love their mom’s more
  • They look good when dressed up in small men’s clothes
  • Finding a restroom is not that hard
  • Groom them to be like their dad

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