Phone users panic after Huawei slap by Google

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The Google company has slapped hard China Telecommunications giant Huawei by blocking it from using critical apps like Gmail and Youtube in what has now been termed a technical cold war.

Existing products will no longer receive Android updates, which bring new features and security improvements, and future releases will lose access to the vital Google Play Store, through which users download new apps.

Huawei will instead be restricted to using a public version of the operating system called Android Open Source Project, which does not include standard Google apps like Gmail, Google Maps, Google Photos and YouTube.

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Android has stepped on to clarify questions regarding the recent US government  actions. The have affirmed that although they are complying with  the US government requirements, services like Google play and security Google play protect will keep functioning on your existing Huawei device.

Many consumes have since expressed their thoughts on the new US business move.

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Some thought it should be their basic right to decide whether or not to ban the use of devices of their choice

Other makes phone users were sent into a panic mode of not knowing if the ban will soon hit them as well.

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And then there are those who got extremely mad that their newly acquired gadgets have been rendered useless.

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The ban comes after the US administration led by President Donald Trump blacklisted the tech company from conducting business with American firms without government’s approval.

The US and Huawei relationship has been strained recently, with the former suspecting the tech company colluding with Chinese intelligence to steal US tech, T-Mobile robot arm, and selling to to Iran.

How do you feel about Google’s new decision?

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