Passaris praying Wetangula doesn’t commit suicide after Ahmednasir gold remarks

Image result for images of Wetangula in gold probe
Moses Wetangula

Kenyan lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi tweeted that when he sees the vitriol, vile and violent abuse Senator Watengula is receiving in the gold scam saga, he gets the distinct impression that the politician needs 24 hours police protection not to protect him but to ensure that he doesn’t take his life.

A sympathising Nairobi Woman representative Esther Passaris then replied saying she prays he won’t take his life. She further urged that we do not assume not assume he is guilty because of social / media push and pull.

“My question to you as a lawyer is if you have faith in our judicial processes and structures? Social / main stream media is but a reflection of the man eat man society we are,” she then posed to Ahmednasir.

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lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi

A lady the questioned Passaris on whether the gold scam guys are way better off, stealing from rich men, unlike others here in this kenya who steal from the poor.

To which Passaris responded,”I feel you. Kenya is so full of drama. Listen my girl. The poverty that is in gold and mineral producing countries at the expense of the entire country for the benefit of a few greedy rich individuals exploiting crooked leaders or masters of anarchy is not where you belong”.

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Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris

A fellow citizen was quick to respond clarifying that stealing is stealing and all thieves should be burned with super petrol. “Unfortunately, in Africa mostly in kenya only “chicken thieve” get life time imprisonment and threatened to death. The thieves stealing our future through corruption walk freely like heroes(the lions),”prof Musyoka said.

However Passaris defended that stealing isn’t always stealing stating that sometimes it’s life that beats one down to the point that it’s survival instincts that lead the way if not the need to stay afloat or to protect ones loved ones. “A country should be clear on the minimum moral and integrity value systems to uphold.”


Image result for images of Esther Passaris

To which she was further questioned by Bernard Arnold, “Is this minimalist morality to be applied only in relation to the political class ?Aren’t you in a sense interceding for one of your own yet you viciously called out the staffer at St. Mary’s Hospital who spoke to you while drunk?”

Let us learn as we live were Esters closing remarks to the topic.

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