Your Girlfriend and her many many towels and their names

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Guys generally have one towel, or at most two. There’s the bath towel, i.e., the one we use to dry off after the shower and mop our hair, arms, legs, asses, balls, faces and every other square inch of our bodies with little regard for cross contamination. And for fancy dudes, there may also be a hand towel, which, as you may have gathered, is for drying our hands after.

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We’re so confused by the towel habits of new girlfriends, and why we end up making so many mistakes in regards to their towels especially when we move in together. For me personally, I had been so confused about my ex’s towel situation for the four years we dated, and I was not even closer to figuring things out. But in the name of personal growth, and for the sake of my fellow man, I recently embarked on a journey to understand all these towels.

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Hand Towel: For hand-wiping’.

Bath Towel(s): Usually there’s two of these for women — one for the body and one for the hair, but sometimes there’s just one and they let their hair air-dry. Sometimes these two are the exact same kind of towel, and sometimes the hair towel is a little smaller and plusher.

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Floor Towel: It seems most people use bath mats in the home, but some use a floor towel like you’d find in a hotel their material is a bit rougher.

Washcloth: Those little square ones. Sometimes they’re for washing in the shower and sometimes they’re for the face for like, makeup removal purposes, etc.

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Guest Towels: For guests, even if they never have guests.

Decorative Towels: Not all women have these, but for those that do, there are two different kinds: Decorative towels you can use, and decorative towels you definitely can’t use, ever. Determining the difference without asking is nearly impossible.

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But of course, it’s not that simple. Each woman has her own system: Some have more towels than this, some have less.

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