You do not have to tell her if your Kidude is big or small

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You are let’s say unlucky or lucky to be born a man congratulations, you have a penis. That’s something that can you do a lot of good in this world if you use it right. But let’s say you’ve gotten the idea   from porn, locker rooms, the internet, a medical book, or a someone calling themselves a friend   that your penis simply doesn’t look the penis part, size-wise. And now you’re dating a new person you intend to eventually have sex with. Should you warn them? And if so, when? And how?

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Where to start with this? First things first,  It must be noted that the ‘small sized’ men in question here know how this title, comes with an incredible amount of penis baggage, and likely means the men have spent their entire life bombarded with popular images of similar like men who are rarely romantic leads. And that’s in spite of increasing mainstream awareness about the issue of how the men are often depicted in films and on television.

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It’s a shame so many don’t know how hot they may be to their partners, because there are dudes out there, not to mention plenty of attractive actors as potential candidates for leading men to challenge this outdated notion.  All men, we’re told, are insecure about their penis size, even when that size is objectively huge. A side issue, Is it a grower or a shower? Another side issue, having a big dick doesn’t mean squat in the good-lover department. Part of the problem is that nobody has a good idea of what an average penis is  to have or to hold.


I think you need to get away from the idea that you ‘owe it’ to share this information. Save the talking for when it’s time to negotiate sexual pleasure. Otherwise, zip it. You don’t say anything at all, another Reddit commenter offers. Let them find out for themselves and then decide whether or not they can handle it. That’s like a girl saying after a third date ‘just so you know my vagina smells pretty funky but it’s my normal scent, not an infection.’ That doesn’t happen. And sex is so much more than the size of one’s genitals. Focusing on that is not gonna do you any favors.

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