FATTY DIET: Fats that are actually good for your health


Our bodies actually need essential fats to be able to function properly. These help to increase satiety (make you feel full which prevents binge eating), protect your body against heart diseases, boost your metabolism and improve your fat-soluble intake.

Natural non-processed fats are also packed with nutrients and act as antioxidants. Here are some fats that are great for this.

1. Avocado

Avocado is life. This wonder fruit is rich in monounsaturated fats that contain oleic acid, which help with satiety and they also contain lots of protein and fiber.

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2. Dark chocolate

Wait, what? Yes, dark chocolate is what you should be taking instead of the other, sweeter, options. It contains pure cocoa butter which helps with digestion. It also helps you eat less because it takes more time to process.

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3. Butter

Not Blue Band, ladies. Butter is rich in omega 6 and 3 fatty acids which can do wonders to your skin and improve brain functionality.

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4. Coconut

It is high in saturated fat most of which comes from lauric acid. This helps to fight bacteria and keeps your cholesterol levels balanced. A study done in Lipids also found that coconut oil can reduce belly fat.

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5. Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil might be a bit pricey but you might want to add it to your cooking because of its amazing benefits. Virgin oil contains a high amount of antioxidants which protect your cells from damage. It also has a lot of monosaturated fats which help to fight heart related disease.

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