Approaching the Smelly Subject with Caution

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Talking about hygiene in general, and especially with the person you’re in love with, is a thorny issue. No one wants to be told they have bad breath, let alone be told that they’re always carrying around some extra fecal cargo. So how best to approach this potentially nuclear relationship issue.

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In this way, talking about your significant other’s bad breath with them is sort of like a final exam or a job interview, in that you should approach the subject with some potential facts that you can lean on.

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Basically, it’s going to sound less hostile if you point the finger at the potential underlying health condition causing your significant other’s bad breath, rather than telling them that every time they open their mouth, you’re on the verge of tears.

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Since it’s the first time you’ve brought it up, treat it as something that has only recently become an issue. If you mentally prepare yourself by focusing on the goal and eliminating any extra emotions, you’ll feel more confident in the conversation.

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It may not work, but it’s always better to reinforce good behavior than to criticize bad behavior. Then rather than having to say something negative, you can make a positive statement such as ‘I love it when you smell so clean.’ Of course, your partner might not take the hint, but it’s worth a try, especially as the entire experience might prove very arousing to both of you.

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