Lets just be friends but with friendly private parts to each other

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We’re in 2019 and even now when we hear the phrase ‘friends with benefits’, it immediately puts us in a spot where we ask ourselves how is it humanly possible to not fall in love and still indulge in sex. Repeatedly. With the same person? As I said, it’s 2019, and for most of us “there’s just no time or effort for commitment.

Although it still baffles a few, a friend + benefits combo is somewhat like a new middle ground found to maintain people’s sanity for the sake of their hectic lifestyle. Thinking of why ‘friends with benefits’ has gained so much momentum lies in its simple concept, physical indulgence with someone you’ve known for a good amount of time, without any room for feelings or emotional turmoil. It’s a given that communication is the key to any successful relationship.

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But what’s more about friends with benefits is that honest and open communication is more of a demand than a requirement. The primary rule of an FWB relationship is pretty elementary ask and you shall get (or not). But you get our point. People are choosing to its better to tuma fare na akam through rather than push and pull with somebody just for doing it in the end.

Owing to its rising popularity, the answer to whether or not this relationship is healthy varies largely. As an age of internet hacks and social media, this situation-ship may seem like a go-to solution for emotional problems. Contrary to popular belief.

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