Being the best Masseuse for your lover or partner

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For some reason, many, many, many people tend to overestimate their ability to give a great massage. And while it may seem like what constitutes a good or bad massage is simply a matter of taste, it really isn’t. “People are usually just rubbing oil or lotion on someone when they offer another person a massage.

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The only upside to this dearth of good amateur masseuses? There’s a lot of room for improvement. Partner massage is often thought about as a prelude to sex, but neither the massage nor the sex has to happen in bed. Lay down a couple of blankets and maybe a pillow or two. Light candles, dim the lights. Establishing the energy of the space could ultimately make the experience more enjoyable.

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Everybody’s body craves different things, so sticking to one massage “script” won’t necessarily work. Touch is our first sense to develop, and most of us have these instinctive habits of grabbing someone’s shoulders or neck.

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Skin is at play during a massage, but it’s really just a way of getting to the tissue through compression,” Helen says. “This tissue is what matters, not the skin. Compression recirculates the blood.No matter how great you become, consider gifting your partner a professional treatment every now and again, too.

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