Is it okay if I can Kiss you Now?

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If I hadn’t already known all of this, I would have learned as much when I kissed up to 41 people in my lifetime of dating. I can only emphasize that there’s no one “perfect” kiss. Instead, there are a lot of different ways you can take your kisses to an entirely new level depending on what you and your partner like.

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Some kissing guidelines apply to basically everyone who doesn’t have a few very specific kinks. Don’t lick someone’s entire face in the manner of an excitable golden retriever. Try not to bash teeth or any teeth related hardware together. Fresh breath is generally appreciated.

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Other than those kinds of broad rules, kissing is a lot like sex in its uniqueness. Each person has their own preferences, which can change throughout their lifetime. As a  human with some if not a lot of kissing experience, I know that what makes a toe-curling kiss for one person might fall flat for somebody else.

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Some people prefer a rougher, more intense kiss, while others want it slow and soft. For some, enjoyment of a kiss may depend entirely on the context. Asking for permission to kiss someone may seem stodgy, but it can honestly be hot. For some people, this is a sign of respect that will make them want to kiss you even more.

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Chemistry and harmony of the tongue make kisses amazing, when you just slow down and channel the other person’s next move, you feel connected to them intimately. Kissing can be about more than just the lips. Holding and caressing your partner’s face and body can take the romance into new territory. A good kisser will kiss with their lips but reinforce with subtle gestures of bodily intimacy,

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