Red Robot Alert! What you could learn from your cycle

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A good number of women will be shy about this topic, but we have to know if we are healthy or just getting our monthly doze of the ocean with the tides involved.

An unusual cramp could be the one that would send as to the emergency room or a darker colour than the usual red could render us childless, be observant and take action before it’s too late. Take note of the colour, consistency, regularity and any effects like abdominal cramps – all of it.

No two periods are the same – but they can be indicative of other ‘issues’.

1. Correct colour

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There’s a broad colour spectrum of menstrual blood: Bright red, dark red, brown/black, rusty, orange, light red and clotted.

But is there a “correct” colour we should attribute to a certain point in our cycle – and our health?

“You might find from beginning to end you experience different colours. Similarly, don’t worry of you don’t produce these colours or if the colour of your period does not change at all.”

Tracie does advise consulting your GP if there is a shift in pattern and colour. I.e. if your period did produce several colours over its course, then in the next cycle didn’t (and vice versa).

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“If your normal period experience changes and you CAN’T explain the change,” continues Tracie, “do visit the doctor.

“So that means pattern changes and colour change, which can’t be assigned to pregnancy, the menopause, stress or the contraceptive pill.”

As for becoming stressed because of your friends’ cycles?

“If you’re chatting to a friend whose period lasts for six days and yours only lasts for two or three, don’t worry and think ‘my womb is not being cleaned out. It’s not clinically helpful to compare periods.”

2. Consistency

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There could be an underlying reason if you experience heavy periods.

Fibroids are harmless lumps of gristle which develop in the wall of the womb. They are benign, but they can cause periods to be heavy – sometimes debilitatingly so.”

Another condition linked with a heavier period is polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS as it’s also known.

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Linked to the male androgynisation of a woman’s hormones, it is the result of a rise in the ‘male’ hormone, testosterone.

“Periods may become heavy and erratic. There may also be other indicators, such as excess bodily hair and spots.”

“Heavy periods could also be a result of the thyroid function, but this is VERY rare.”

3. Pain

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Period pain, or primary dysmenorrhea to give menstrual cramps their official name are something many of us have experienced.

Although unpleasant, they are essentially harmless.

Woman suffering from a stomach ache

There is a chance very severe cramps may be a sign of endometriosis, which is when the endometrial cells, which normally grow inside the uterus, grow outside it.

Women with endometriosis often have pain with periods.

4. Regularity

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The average cycle length is 28 days, but “every woman has her own normal, whether it’s two weeks, three weeks or five weeks.”

One thing which may occur and alter regularity is if you live or work with other women.

“Syncing periods does genuinely happen and isn’t anything to worry about. It’s because of pheromones, the chemicals we produce and pick up on from others.”

Three young girls sitting together and joking
It’s true, we do sync! (Image: Getty)

As a phenomenon it was, Tracie explains, well-documented in Egypt when women living along the Nile would be synchronised.

One deviation which is worth going to see a doctor about is spotting in between periods, though Tracie points out “it could be nothing.”

The same applies to periods after the menopause. “This should not happen – though vaginal bleeding couldbe down to atrophy, where the vaginal skin gets older.”

Post-menopausal bleeding is also a symptom linked to womb cancer, so again, consult your GP if this happens to you.

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